Tag: Taekwondo

Martial arts

Kia Ora,

For homework my teacher gave us (My class) a research project. We had to pick one topic and research about it. I picked Chess. There were no books about Chess in our library so I decided  to go with Martial arts instead. Lucky enough there were two books one about Taekwondo and Kung fu. We spent around 2 to 3 weeks researching. We put all the research we knew into a doc. We needed about 4 to 5 subheading/Questions. Then we started making our presentations. It was really fun to do and also tricky. It was really hard not just to copy the books but in the end I made it. We were also learning about plagiarising and how you could get fined/sued for it. So what our teacher said we should do instead is read the book and then write down what we learnt. After weeks of work here is my presentation.

Before you say that’s nothing I did more than that but it’s just planning.

Thats all for today I hope you learnt something new.

Would you do Martial arts?